RyzUp SmartGrass
In the northern U.S., perhaps the biggest challenge we face each year is lack of...
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Wheat Insecticides
Weed, disease, and insect control in most crops is rarely overlooked. For...
Ag PhD Field Day July 28th
We invite you to attend the Ag PhD Field Day on our farm near Baltic, SD on Thur...
Got Resistant Weeds in Soybeans? Use 3 Pre’s!
There are a lot of great herbicide choices in almost every crop. Unfortuna...
Nitrogen Management in Corn
You simply can’t achieve top yields in corn if you run short of nitrogen....
Cut Your Biggest Expense
Every year we suggest you thoroughly evaluate everything you spend money on and...
Soybean Cyst Nematode: New Opportunities to Stop t...
Soybean Cyst Nematode, or SCN for short, is the biggest known yield robber in so...
Ag PhD Agronomy Workshops
How can you cut expenses in 2016 and still yield well? Which input expense...
Stopping SUPER Weeds in 2016
If you are raising soybeans, chances are very high that you are fighting broadle...
Why Prepay? Won’t Prices Come Down?
If you think that across the board crop input prices will come down by spring, I...
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"Brian is a co-host of Ag PhD radio and Ag PhD TV"
Ag PhD Co-Host
"Darren Hefty is co-host of the popular Ag PhD TV show and new radio call-in show."